Thursday, September 6, 2007

DKE House Takes It Step Further; Plants Burning Cross, Hangs Nooses, Digs Up Emmitt Tills Grave, Etc.

Just hours after The Daily Mississippian published reports that an African-American student was assaulted by brothers of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity at a weekend party, members residing in the fraternity house decided to take matters into their own hands.
Russ P. Menbrook, a junior finance major, said he was completely embarrassed by the reported incident.
"To be accused of being racist in the sort of fashion that the paper reported, man, no way. DKE ain't going out like that. We gotta work harder than this"
According to the article, freshman Jeremiah Taylor along with his roommate, were invited to attend a social party at the DKE house on August 22. Upon entering the party, Taylor said he felt very uncomfortable and considered leaving. Later on in the evening, the freshman claims to have received verbal abuse and was taunted for his ethnicity. While exiting the party, Taylor also alleges that was physically pushed down a flight of stairs and was struck in the back with an alcoholic beverage container, a container not permitted on the University campus. Taylor was able to exit the building without physical harm. However, the psychological damage caused to him may be forever hard to gauge.
"Dumbfounded, shocked. This speaks against my character. I'm not even racist, but if I were to be accused of being racist, I would at least want to perform some extreme act that would justify me being called racist," senior Caldwell E. Reed said. " I know several years ago, some Betas like, tied up some pledge to a flagpole down at Valley, and spray-painted him with racial epitaphs. CNN helicopters showed up and everything. Now THAT's being racist. Don't associate DKE with some weak-ass form of racism."
Several of Reeds' brothers echoed his complaints. So in honoring the hallowed last lines of The Objects of Delta Kappa Epsilon: ...and the union of stout hearts and kindred interests to secure to merit its due reward, brothers of the fraternity secured a 7-foot burning cross in the front lawn, giving true merit to the claims that the fraternity was, in fact, racist.
David K. Edwards, a junior marketing major, marveled at the culmination of such a feat. "The truth is, both my mother and father are black. I was adopted at a very young age, and I love them very much. Hell, my adopted sister was born in Malaysia. I love all races. But what really gets me going, is when people run their mouth and slander a group of people over something so small. This means war. Somebody over at the DM should hang for this."
Though the burning cross seemed sufficient enough at first, the members on the front lawn grew antsy.
"Luckily, most of us were in Boys Scouts in grade school, so immediately some of my brothers began tying nooses and hanging them in trees. Genius." Edwards added.
"By far, T-Unit, has had the best idea so far. He borrowed his dad's jet and flew to Illinois to dig up the grave of Emmitt Till the moment the news was released. I'm so glad that guy got a bid."
Thomas F. Waters, commonly referred to as, "T-Unit", flew a private jet to Alsip, Illinois, according to several DKE members. The small town holds the grave of Emmitt Till, a young African-American boy brutally slain by a small group of white men. Till's death was a key component of the American civil rights movement.
Several DKE members confirmed this report. The report was further cemented when a small decaying skeleton was placed on the DKE sidewalk while we were finishing this investigation.
"This really tops the cake," Edwards remarked. "I'm not even sure if the previous allegations were true. I really don't think any of us are all that racist, but you and I both know now, if you are going to call us bigots, make sure we earn the label."

RELATED STORY: 2,500+ Female Students Accuse DKE of "Different" Type of Assault

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