Thursday, March 5, 2009

Party Pics Confirms Girlfriend Did Go Out Without You Last Night

Despite stressing the need to study for countless hours in order to prepare for her Spanish oral exam- even by convincing you to give her a ride to the J. D. Williams Library- your girlfriend definitely barhopped last night while you played Gears of War 2 with your roommate. You grew suspicious when she never called you back to pick her up. Then, today, your suspicions were confirmed thanks to Party Pics.

"I'd love to sit here and study while you and Zach conquer another level, but I need to be somewhere quiet," she lied through her teeth last night.

At one point, you found it peculiar that she was applying make-up while en route to the library, but mentioned nothing of it. And the fact that she carried her backpack along with a nondescript gym bag seemed nothing out of the ordinary. You assumed she had quite a lot of studying to do.

"Dude, you should have seen how many books she was carrying," you said to your roommate as he yelled obscenities into his headset.

"Dude, you should see how many kills I'm carrying," he responded.

Even while glued to the new 32-inch flat-screen your parents gave you for Christmas, you noticed your girlfriend text messaging at rapid-fire rate, a rate only surpassable by the rounds per minute your machine gun was spewing.

"This gun is so awesome," you explained to your disinterested girlfriend for the 5th time that evening.

There were other signs she may have been " living a double life"; a phrase coined by your roommate upon viewing the scandalous photographs:

  • When you invited her to the "Halo III Jamboree" hosted by your friend, Sid, she arrived three hours late and heavily intoxicated, muttering, "How is this my life?"
  • Your effort to name her new Labrador puppy, "Gandalf", was thwarted when she explained she preferred traditional puppy names.
  • Her best friends list you in their cell phones as "Don't Answer"
  • Her Facebook wall has postings mainly from other guys that say, "great seein you last night. you ARE crazy!" and "No more shots tonight, i'm serious." She explains that these are guys from her "night class".
  • Her "night class" meets on different nights each week, including some Saturday nights.
Despite considering the damning evidence, you still remain unconvinced.

"Dude, this was probably photoshopped by one of those dudes I destroyed in Rainbow Six a few weeks ago. What a bunch of pranksters. Besides, it's not like I could do any better, ya know?

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