Friday, July 23, 2010

The Intervention Didn't Go as Planned

John, here is the deal. You're probably not gonna like this. John, sit down. John. John. John. John. Seriously, John. Craig, hold him down. Grab. Sh. Son o. John, seriously. No, nobody cares about that. Craig, seriously. Okay, John?

John. This is a problem. We have all debated this issue for weeks. Well, yes, just Craig and I. Marv would have made it, but you know, with his new wife and his mortgage and. Okay, fine, he didn't want to come but he had legitimate reasons. No, he didn't explain, really he didn't. Okay, shut up. Listen. Confronting you on a day like today-your birthday- was a decision that I had to make. However, we realized. John, seriously. Shut up. Dude, shut up. Let me get this out. John. John. Craig, Lord, hold him down. Craig. Craig. Do you see what he is doing? John.

John, this isn't fun for any of us. No, I don't plan on telling your parents. No. No. John. No. How are they going to find out? I doubt they even read my Facebook status updates. They do? No, seriously. John. She finds them funny? Wow. Wait, what? When did she say that? Holy cow, I haven't seen Miss Tammy in years. Hahah, yeah. That is so true. Well, back to the point. John, we all need to discuss this. Yes, I know. Yes. John.

Unless you plan on dying at or soon or, yeah soon, you've got to quit what you're doing. Here you are, 32-years of age and still doing this stuff every morning, evening, afternoon, whatever. Enough is, seriously, enough. John. What the? John. Where did he get that? John take that away from your mouth. Okay, grab the duct tape. Yes, I brought this just in case. Okay, take his right hand. John, quit fighting. John. John. Okay, good. John? John, stop. Okay.

How much stuff does that cost you? Be honest. 30 dollars? That's it. Holy. Wow. Well, I can understand...yes, I understand the economies of scale, John. No, I'm not interested. Is that in market value or? Gosh. It's not something I would normally consider, so, no. No. No. John, shut up.

John we need to understand you, first and foremost. We love you. Craig and I really do. Yes. Yes. John, it breaks our hearts to see you like this. Believe me, I wish something else could be said, but we must tell the truth and be honest with ourselves. You expect to get better but I don't see how, man. John, you've said that like 90 times now. Hand him his cowboy hat. Yah, I don't see why he can't wear it. Is your phone vibrating? What is that noise? Craig, is that your phone? I thought I told you to silence it before we walked in. John, it's yours. Who is DeMayne? DeMayne Wilkins is calling. Who is that?

Um, no, then I'm not answering. I think he is the last person you need to be in contact with. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and delete his number. John. Seriously, John. Craig, hold him while I do this. John. Okay, he just texted you. Says 60 for 2. Does that mean what I think it means? Um, it says he is. Son of a. He is in the drive-way. Did you talk to him earlier or something? When did you even?

Hey. Hi. My name is, yeah, hi. No, no. His duct tape is. Right. Ha, no. We were just playing around. Yeah, I'll undo that right now. Sure, haha, I know, right? Weird is all I can say. We'll see. Right. Okay, I'm doing it right now. Sorry, I'm doing it right now, sir. No, this wasn't anything major. John, seriously, quit joking around. He is lying. No. DeMayne. DeMayne. No, haha, he is such a good liar. No. No, that isn't even true. Why would I put duct tape on his, no, haha, that isn't true at all. Okay, yeah, yeah, I'm straight. No, I'm straight. No, I usually don't partake. Okay. Alright. Okay, yeah. Yes, sir. I see. Well, thanks DeMayne. This is actually my first, wow, pretty strong stuff, huh?

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