Friday, July 30, 2010

New Shoe Company

Mister Nobody down at the Yeah Whatever supermarket decided to start a new shoe company....for dogs. THIS WILL NEVER WORK. He got angry when I shouted this at him in aisle 4. Mister Nobody then grabbed a bag of chips and threw them in my general direction before running away like the little engine that couldn't. He slipped in the puddle of water that he had been sent to mop up. Fell hard. I laughed. He cried. People came. I left.

3 month later and this guy just built his 2nd shoe factory in the Marshall Islands. Guess who looks stupid now? Me. I should have never laughed at him.

Edited to add: He just sent me a picture of the house he just bought. It was a picture of the Taj Mahal. Starting to wonder if he is making up this whole shoe-construction business, especially since I can't find his website at all. Try typing in It may just be the browser I'm using. Not sure. Does anyone else use Internet Explorer (32 bit version)?

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